These are some frequently asked questions about the reference implementation of the standard manifest format available in the SponsorLink and gh-sponsors repositories.

  1. Does SponsorLink “phone home” or track users?


  2. Does SponsorLink require any changes to my project’s code?


  3. Does SponsorLink get access to my private sponsorship data?

    NO. The gh sponsors tool is OSS and runs entirely locally. It uses your authenticated GH CLI to determine your sponsorships (either direct or indirect via organization membership or active contributions), and subsequently requests a sponsor manifest from the sponsored accounts.

  4. Does the SponsorLink developer (Devlooped) get access to my profile or sponsorship data?

    NO. The backend that signs manifests must be self-hosted by each sponsored account that wants to leverge SponsorLink. This code is also OSS at the SponsorLink repo.

  5. Are my local GH CLI credentials exposed in any way to a sponsorable account that uses SponsorLink?

    NO. Before invoking the sponsored account backend to provide a signed manifest, the tool will prompt you to authenticate with GitHub.com using an OAuth app provided by the sponsored account. You can reject this request or revoke access at any time in your GitHub settings.

  6. Does a SponsorLink-enhanced library get access to my private sponsorship data?

    NO. The library and its tools can only check for the presence of a previously sync’ed manifest.

  7. Can I remove all traces of SponsorLink locally and remotely?

    YES. You can run gh sponsors remove [account|all]. You can then remove the gh-sponsors extension with gh extension remove sponsors.

  8. Can I use SponsorLink with my own sponsorsing platform?

    YES. SponsorLink is a standard manifest format and you can create equivalent tools for manifest generation and signing. You can also suggest improvements to the reference implementation to incorporate other platforms that expose sponsorships via API.

  9. Is there a privacy policy?

    YES. Read the privacy policy for more details.

  10. Does the sponsorable account have access to my sponsorship information?

    YES. Accounts you are currently sponsoring already have this information as part of their profile. SponsorLink itself does not use any information they don’t already have access to, and the SponsorLink developer (Devlooped) does not have access to any of this information since it doesn’t offer hosting for the backend that signs manifests.